Hard Sports

Hard Sports – what’s the attraction?

  • May 13, 2018

Hard Sports – Scat – what’s the attraction?

Many subs have told Me that they believe Hard Sports to be the ultimate in humiliation and degradation. I don’t agree with that assertion. Is doing Hard Sports with Me in private more humiliating than being made to walk around your neighbourhood in broad daylight wearing nothing more than pink high heels and frilly panties? Probably not.

Although Hard Sports can indeed be humiliating and degrading, the attraction is somewhat more complex than that. The main attraction is one of separation; the difference in status between the giver and the receiver. I am superior to you. Eating My Kaviar is a tacit acceptance (by both of us) of My absolute superiority over you.

Enforced Hard Sports

Some subs find the idea of being subjected to Hard Sports to be objectionable. Repulsive even, yet they want to be forced to do it. Why? Because it is a formidable form of TPE (Total Power Exchange). It absolutely reinforces the gap in status between us, and is a strong exhibitor of who is in charge. I am!

Understand this though: if you have requested Enforced Hard Sports, I WILL enforce it. From the moment you are firmly secured into place, there will be no going back. Should it be necessary, I will subject you to the most agonising torture to make it happen. No amount of begging, pleading or screaming will help. I am the only person who will hear your anguished screams, and I enjoy them! I am sexually sadistic, and therefore turned on by your pain, degradation and subjugation. Be careful what you wish for! Enforced Hard Sports means exactly that.

Huddersfield Mistress V – Intelligent Domination

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